World Champions strengthen the Gee Bee Tournament

The upcoming 41st edition of the Gee Bee Tournament will take place in Finland’s capital city in Helsinki between April 12 and 17. The Gee Bee Tournament will be the highlight of the month of April before the EUBC Youth European Boxing Championships.

Altogether 16 countries such as Bahrain, Canada, Denmark, England, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Israel, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Scotland, Sweden, Ukraine, United States of America, and Wales have registered to take part in the 41st Gee Bee Tournament in Helsinki, Finland.

? United States’ Jahmal Harvey, Robby Gonzales and Rashida Ellis are all World Champions and their team contains several further future talents.

? England’s EUBC European Champion Mohammed Harris Akbar, Wales’ Commonwealth Games winner returning Rosie Eccles and Scotland’s Reese Lynch are the best in Team GB.

? Canada’s best women boxers, the World Champion Tammara Thibeault (75kg) and the runner-up from the 2022 World Championships, Charlie Cavanagh both will compete in the Gee Bee Tournament.

? Lithuania’s World Champion Gabriele Stonkute and Norway’s Youth World Champion Sunniva Hofstad will strengthen the women’s middleweight (75kg) in Helsinki.

? Germany’s European Champions, Nelvie Tiafack and Stefanie Von Berge both will use the Gee Bee Tournament as their next stage of preparations.

?Ukraine’s top female boxers, Tetiana Kob, Anastasia Kovalchuk and the veteran Maria Bova all won already big championships during their career.

? Sweden’s Agnes Alexiusson and Love Holgersson are their best girls while their Tokyo Olympian Adam Chartoi is planning a comeback to the international stage in Helsinki.

?Netherlands’ Olympian Enrico La Cruz will return in this competition and he is aiming for a next Olympic spot this year.

?Finland’s best boxers as Pihla Kaivo-Oja, Vilma Viitanen, Sam Morovati and Nikita Nystedt will be also on the board of the event.

The competition venue will be the Helsinki Sport Hall where altogether 21 winners to be crowned in the event.

The Technical Delegate of the 41st Gee Bee Tournament will be Mr. Waldemar Mencel of Austria.

April 13, 2023, 11:00 – Official Draw

April 13, 2023, 15:00 – Official Opening Ceremony

April 13, 2023, 15:15 – Day1 competition

April 14, 2023, 13:00 & 18:00 – Day2 competition

April 15, 2023, 13:00 & 18:00 – Day3 competition with the semi-finals

April 16, 2023, 13:00 – Day4 competition with the finals.

Text: Kincses Tibor

Photo: Päivi Ahola/Photo Team